I got an 8" dd a couple of days ago and I agree with everything that's been said and my ground is moderately mineralized. My only problem with the 8" is how heavy it is, compared to the 9.5. It does seem to run quieter and gets about the same depth as the stock coil in our ground. I just ordered the 6 X 10 and expect I'll be using it a lot more for coin shooting and relic hunting in moderately trashy areas, but will use the stock coil for open plowed field hunting. I wish white's would develop a 9" DD or 10" DD coil (for the MXT/DFX) with a spider coil-like configuration to keep weight down, minimize noise and get the depth that the stock coil does. I've seen other companies with a stock coil like that. Why not White's? A 10" DD version would make a great all-round coil for the MXT.