HanoverDigger said:
Help!!! My thread got hijacked!!!
Congratulations on being back in the Saddle Again! One of the advantages on seeing if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence is the additional confidence you will have being back with what works for you.
My most comfortable detector to date was a White's Eagle (original) with the 6" Jimmy Sierra Eliminator Coil on it. Great duo there and wonderful to use. Very pleasant and easy to use interface, sounds were pleasing to the ear, it made great finds giving me confidence in it.I traded 'UP" to a newer version, the Eagle II and did not like the changes and wished I had the old one back.Since then, I've used a number of detectors. Some worked for me, some didn't. I can't say that I've ever tried any variety of White's MXT. But there sure is a dedicated following to them.
Good luck with the 'new' MXT out there.Thanks Rich. I had the Eagle II SL and did very well with it. Lots of confederate buttons and many bullets. Can't wait to get out with the All Pro. Hunting season is just about over for us. Woods are getting overgrown and starting to get hot.
Rich (Utah)