Did you purchase a MX Sport with problems?
If so did Whites not correct the problems?
I waited to purchase my MX Sport because I assumed there would be some problems with the first wave of machines. In my experience that is the norm - the really important thing is that the manufacturer stands behind their products and makes the purchaser whole by way of correcting the problems.
I can't imagine hating GM, or Ford, or Chrysler, or Toyota, or Honda, or Samsung, or HP, or Dell, or Nikon, or Cannon, or a host of major companies whose products have had a few problems initially. I've purchased products from all the companies listed (and far more) that have had issues of one kind or another (most of those items cost far more than the MX Sport). Sure it is a pain in the rear when a newly purchased item doesn't work as expected, but the key is always the service after the sale. In that vein some companies do better than others, and some don't do as well as they should.
I followed the introduction of the MX Sport rather closely (since the machine appealed to me) and I am under the impression that Whites bent over backwards to make it right for their customers. It seems that the people who own the MX Sport are pleased with their machines (some of which were corrected more than once) now that the problems have been resolved: hence my curiosity about your relationship to the MX Sport and Whites service.
There is no perfect machine, nor is there a machine made perfectly. There never will be, so the best we can hope for is to buy from a company that stands behind their products and corrects the problems in a responsible manner. I believe Whites has shown itself to be such a company - and that is a big part of why I like (and buy) Whites machines.