It has been a few months now so here is the latest update on the old theater AKA silver mine! First I need to start a log book! I forget most details of finds! even what I feel is my greatest finds ever!
After a couple return visits to my "honey Hole" and only finding nails and trash, I let it rest awhile. went back last week and searched the area again, lots of broken signals with a few good sharp tones.
started finding nails, glass broken bricks. Then, out pop's a merc! slowed down and really listened for the sharp tones, end up with 2 more mercs! The total score is 38 silver dimes for this area! One 1914 Barber went to the owner, Five my Son found(and kept!) I have Thirty two 1890 to 1929. Still "freaking out "about this! I think it was a roll dropped, all were in a 6' square area! That means there has to be more! Right? If I live to be 100 I doubt I will ever be this lucky again! I am sure I used up my Lucky allotment by now. Keep ya posted!..C-Dog
After a couple return visits to my "honey Hole" and only finding nails and trash, I let it rest awhile. went back last week and searched the area again, lots of broken signals with a few good sharp tones.
started finding nails, glass broken bricks. Then, out pop's a merc! slowed down and really listened for the sharp tones, end up with 2 more mercs! The total score is 38 silver dimes for this area! One 1914 Barber went to the owner, Five my Son found(and kept!) I have Thirty two 1890 to 1929. Still "freaking out "about this! I think it was a roll dropped, all were in a 6' square area! That means there has to be more! Right? If I live to be 100 I doubt I will ever be this lucky again! I am sure I used up my Lucky allotment by now. Keep ya posted!..C-Dog