Hit a couple more snow hills today while all the Edmonton kids were in school. Did pretty good. Got up to a few degrees below freezing. Very comfortable hunting I might add. I lucked out with a hockey puck and a pile of cold cash. And no more pennies are being minted.
Also found some round things on the hill as should in the pic below. They look like tiny rocks. Could they maybe be meteorites from a recent meteorite shower? I left them where they were found......maybe they were radio-active? If anyone wants them, I will go back and scoop them in a plastic bag and mail them to you.
Also found some round things on the hill as should in the pic below. They look like tiny rocks. Could they maybe be meteorites from a recent meteorite shower? I left them where they were found......maybe they were radio-active? If anyone wants them, I will go back and scoop them in a plastic bag and mail them to you.