It was cold today! I Detected for about 3 hours, then the sun set and it was time to call it a day. I did manage to dig up 11 coins in the snow, mostly in the top 2 inches.
The Garrett ACE 400i has AVC (automatic volume control) whereas most other detectors utilize modulated audio. Modulated audio is a feature which allows the user to know deep targets from shallow targets simply by the strength of the signal. ie - shallow targets are louder then deep targets, which are quieter. Hence, when using headphones, often times you listen for soft whispers, which indicate a deep target (or very tiny one) and has a good probability of being old simply because of it's depth.
The Garrett ACE Series operate using AVC (automatic volume control). This feature is really useful when you want to hear noises around you, ie hunting in undesirable places in town or in the wild, where predators may be after you. You won't need to use your headphones. In quieter places, the speaker volume is adequate to hear even the deep or tiny target signals, as they are all amplified to the same volume. You can just peek at your readout to see the target ID number/depth and decide if you want to dig it.
Another situation, is when you are hunting side by side with your buddy, say in a ploughed field. You can easily carry on a conversation without a headset, yet still here a target, regardless of it's depth or size.
[size=large]" Having that ice cold wind on your face is like a good shot of Jack Daniels! It burns a bit at first, then feels real good!"[/size]
The Garrett ACE 400i has AVC (automatic volume control) whereas most other detectors utilize modulated audio. Modulated audio is a feature which allows the user to know deep targets from shallow targets simply by the strength of the signal. ie - shallow targets are louder then deep targets, which are quieter. Hence, when using headphones, often times you listen for soft whispers, which indicate a deep target (or very tiny one) and has a good probability of being old simply because of it's depth.
The Garrett ACE Series operate using AVC (automatic volume control). This feature is really useful when you want to hear noises around you, ie hunting in undesirable places in town or in the wild, where predators may be after you. You won't need to use your headphones. In quieter places, the speaker volume is adequate to hear even the deep or tiny target signals, as they are all amplified to the same volume. You can just peek at your readout to see the target ID number/depth and decide if you want to dig it.
Another situation, is when you are hunting side by side with your buddy, say in a ploughed field. You can easily carry on a conversation without a headset, yet still here a target, regardless of it's depth or size.
[size=large]" Having that ice cold wind on your face is like a good shot of Jack Daniels! It burns a bit at first, then feels real good!"[/size]