New member
I spent the day at the beach with the E-Trac today. No gold but some more information about detector operation. With all the discussion about detector depth, Manual Sensitivity, and Auto Sensitivity I took the E-Trac to a beach with little or no mineralization but with sections that had high trash content and areas with very low trash content. When I got out on the beach I did a factory reset to get back to all the default settings. Then I changed it to the Beach Program. I also maxed out tone variablility. The Gain for the beach program is 24 so I left that where it was. I also changed the Audio Mode to Smooth because I never cared for the flutey tones. On the Explorer I used to hunt in Audio Mode 2. The Beach Program also turns both Deep and Fast to Off. It sets the Ground to Normal and the Trash Density to Low. I left all those settings alone. I did a Noise Cancel and started to hunt. When I started the Auto Sensitivity was at 16 but in no time at all it was up to 26 and I was even able to go up to +2 before I got any falsing. I proceeded to hunt this way and was digging quite a few targets some in excess of 12". At this point I decided to switch over to Manual Sensitivity. The machine suggested that I use 22. I decided to try 27 which is one notch lower than I was hunting in Auto. The machine went crazy making all kinds of sounds and falsing like crazy. So I lowered the Sensitivity. The machine didn't settle down until I got down to 23 and was nice and quiet at the recommended setting of 22. I hunted in Manual for awhile and was digging targets without any problems but I like to have as high a sensitivity as I can effectively use when on the beach as depth is king. So I switched back to Auto and kept hunting at 26 +2. I gradually worked my way over to where I knew the trashy part of the beach is located. As I approached the area the machine started nulling as it started rejecting discriminated targets. I kept and eye on the Sensitivity and sure enough it started getting lower and lower. It finally settled into 20+2 in the trash. Now I switched back to Manual. In manual it was still recommending 22 so I sent it to 22 and it worked fine. I was even able to raise it to 23 without any appreciable increase in falsing. At 24 it started getting very noisy so I backed it down again. So now I know for sure that trash levels do in part affect the Auto Sensitivity Setting but NOT the Manual Sensitivity setting recommendation. Also all this is the opposite of what the Manual says when it comes to Beach Hunting. I do have a theory though. In the Manual it states that the E-Trac monitors 3 channels (what 3 channels I haven't' got a clue). It also states that in Auto Sensitivity the detector adjusts the level of sensitivity applied to each of these 3 channels independently of one another to achieve the highest Sensitivity possible while maintaining stability. It also says that when the detector is in Manual Sensitivity that all 3 channels are locked together at the same value and that when we change the Manual level we are changing all 3 at the same time and in step with one another. To me this explains whey the machine was falsing when I adjusted the Manual Level to the same high level as Auto had set. Whichever of the 3 channels that the Manual setting was taking too high the Auto Sensitivity had lowered while raising the others up to 26 and maintaining stability and depth. Since I am pretty much the only one here using an E-Trac on the beach I would be interested in hearing waht happens at an inland location under roughly the same conditions. According to the Manual the best setting for the Beach is Manual Sensitivity and the best setting for inland is Auto. But my own results so far indicate that Auto seems to work better at the beach than manual as least in respect to allowing the machine to run comfortably at higher levels of sensitivity. So since this is the opposite of the manual I am curious to see if Manual is better on land and Auto not so good which again kind of goes against the manual. Who knows maybe they wrote the manual they got ti backwards. Anyway I hope that someone with a fairly low Mineralization and an area that has sections that are both trashy and clean will run a similar test and report on it.