New member
as the sun was really bright with no clouds at all which melted a big portion of the ice off the trees and etc. Ran out of film or I would have had some beautiful pics of glistening crystal trees! Would like to have a Digital Camera but not in my budget as yet! 
Lots of power outages and Liz had her electric meter torn off her house again by neighbors tree limb falling into her yard and pulling down the power lines! Deja Vu for her as this happened in July during the storms and tornadoes we had then and her electric was off 8 days. Makes it rough with no heat and she won't leave her home because of possible break in if she isn't there. Does have a way to heat her food and drinks though and that is a blessing for her!
Huge trees, limbs and etc were across streets, homes and truly a mess again....after cleaning up from July's disasters!
Here are some pics and sorry that the pics aren't better but only have a Poloroid and do the best I can with what I have and I'm thankful to God for my having that!
Large Pine with ice covered limbs lying on ground!
[attachment 42210 Scan002252.jpg]
My Dogwood tree ice covered....looks like it has lights decorating it but 'tis only the sunlight making it look that way!
[attachment 42211 Scan002253.jpg]
Ice covered Dogwood Tree and ice covered Pine Tree!
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Neighbors houses across street...they had no power but back on now...the man from electric company was up on pole after dark repairing the line for electricity on their side!
[attachment 42218 Scan002259.jpg]
Lots of power outages and Liz had her electric meter torn off her house again by neighbors tree limb falling into her yard and pulling down the power lines! Deja Vu for her as this happened in July during the storms and tornadoes we had then and her electric was off 8 days. Makes it rough with no heat and she won't leave her home because of possible break in if she isn't there. Does have a way to heat her food and drinks though and that is a blessing for her!
Huge trees, limbs and etc were across streets, homes and truly a mess again....after cleaning up from July's disasters!
Here are some pics and sorry that the pics aren't better but only have a Poloroid and do the best I can with what I have and I'm thankful to God for my having that!
Large Pine with ice covered limbs lying on ground!
[attachment 42210 Scan002252.jpg]
My Dogwood tree ice covered....looks like it has lights decorating it but 'tis only the sunlight making it look that way!
[attachment 42211 Scan002253.jpg]
Ice covered Dogwood Tree and ice covered Pine Tree!
[attachment 42217 Scan002258.jpg]
Neighbors houses across street...they had no power but back on now...the man from electric company was up on pole after dark repairing the line for electricity on their side!
[attachment 42218 Scan002259.jpg]