You are right that the numbers just reflect the XY position of the target icon. And you can sweep a coin under the coil and see where it hits and try to dig signals that hit similarily. But, and this is where the experienced users keep harping on everyone: Deep targets, targets in noisy environments, targets next to trash may only hit close to the "RIGHT" area one sweep in five and may never hit in a exactly the "RIGHT" position at all. Seeing how most locations have been hit hard over the years it is mainly these iffier targets that remain.
Yes you can remember the numbers and dig everything close, but it is much better just to look at the target crosshairs and see if it is close to where think it should be. I generally dig anything that hits from the top of the screen 1/4 inch from the left to way across the right and down about a third from the top. But with many exceptions for area, depth, etc. That alone covers alot of screen real estate.
Nickels are even worse. If they occasionally hit in the nickel area, and the bounce is to the left and up, occasionally right into the nail area this often means nickel next to iron (Golddigger clued me in to how nickels will climb). If they hit more randomly such as up but not left they are probably trash.
And some targets will hit in areas that I would not normally dig but just "Sound" nice, sometimes snag some fat IHs or interesting non-coin finds.
Bottom line is you could remember all these numbers, which is probably close to impossible, or just watch the crosshairs and if it is in a nice neighborhood just dig it, don't look for it to hit at a specific address.