Bavaria Mike
New member
Did about five hours on this field over the weekend, it is a flood zone, stream at the end of the field. I figured there would be a lot of trash but, there was very little trash and many finds.
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The surface finds, a few pieces of glass beads, glass button, an intact clay pipe bowl and my first, an odd seal made of glass, and a styles that could have been for writing.
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A torso, two religious pendants and five buttons, two of the buttons look to be military.
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Relics, upper right is an intact crotal bell, below is a broken bell.
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More relics, a small army wagon made in England, a silver utensil handle marked .800.
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Found several interesting lead finds.
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More lead, cool Carp fish in the middle, upper right is a clay marble and not a musket ball.
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25 coins, oldest was an 1800 and average was 1875.
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Learn by my mistake. I found this coin folded in half earlier this week, tried to clean it today and bent it open just for a little peak. Well it let go and I nearly broke it in two. I should have heated it first. It is a 1667 silver coin, OUCH!
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Reverse of the 1667 silver, date at the bottom. Sorry about the vague explanations of the finds. HH, Mike
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And my puppy dogs, a Husky (Cordie) and a Collie German Shepard mix (Rex), I call them both Hound Dog and they always come, LOL!
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<center><img src=""></center><p>
The surface finds, a few pieces of glass beads, glass button, an intact clay pipe bowl and my first, an odd seal made of glass, and a styles that could have been for writing.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
A torso, two religious pendants and five buttons, two of the buttons look to be military.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Relics, upper right is an intact crotal bell, below is a broken bell.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
More relics, a small army wagon made in England, a silver utensil handle marked .800.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Found several interesting lead finds.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
More lead, cool Carp fish in the middle, upper right is a clay marble and not a musket ball.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
25 coins, oldest was an 1800 and average was 1875.
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Learn by my mistake. I found this coin folded in half earlier this week, tried to clean it today and bent it open just for a little peak. Well it let go and I nearly broke it in two. I should have heated it first. It is a 1667 silver coin, OUCH!
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Reverse of the 1667 silver, date at the bottom. Sorry about the vague explanations of the finds. HH, Mike
<center><img src=""></center><p>
And my puppy dogs, a Husky (Cordie) and a Collie German Shepard mix (Rex), I call them both Hound Dog and they always come, LOL!
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