Today i buried a nickel and a quarter 10" down in a volleyball field. The sand ground balances at 85 with fast-grab. Was able to run JE mode (the high gain mode) very stable so i raised sensitivity to 90.
The visual ID showed number 14 most of the time. I was able to raise the coil about 4 more inches. So at a total of 14 inches the signal was still good but visual id was jumping all over the place but never in the iron range. 14 inches wasn't the limit but the signal wasn't so clear anymore that i would dig it. De mode found the Nickel too but the audio wasn't as clear. Depth was about 3" less at same sensitivity setting. I was using single tone and disc at 5.
I tested my Whites M6 with 6x10 DD on the nickel with max. sensitivity and it found the nickel too but Id'ed it as a hot rock.
The Vaquero couldn't find it with with the standard coil and gave a very weak signal with the 12x10 DD coil at max sensitivity.
All detector were ground balanced at the same spot. GB on the M6 was locked after Gbing.
On the 10" deep quarter the Vaquero and M6 were asking what target ?
Well if you know there was the quarter you would say they gave a weak signal. The F75 had to fight with the quarter too, but with the coil 2" over the ground. (JE mode with 95 sensitivity). ID was at 80 to 99 jumping.
if you can run the F75 hot (JE mode with high sensitivity without interference) it will outperform most detectors. Don't forget that the ground read at 85 so you may have even better results in milder ground.
From now on i believe if someone claims that he pulled a button at 12" with the F75. It can be done !
The F75 is hotter on lower conductors (gold rings / nickels) than on silver. The Explorer may still be the silver king when swung slow.
Only thing i need next is the small coil.
I wouldn't wonder if Bill Ladd is pulling some nice relics at the DIV 7 with the F75 this weekend.
Get ready for some overtime at First Texas.
The visual ID showed number 14 most of the time. I was able to raise the coil about 4 more inches. So at a total of 14 inches the signal was still good but visual id was jumping all over the place but never in the iron range. 14 inches wasn't the limit but the signal wasn't so clear anymore that i would dig it. De mode found the Nickel too but the audio wasn't as clear. Depth was about 3" less at same sensitivity setting. I was using single tone and disc at 5.
I tested my Whites M6 with 6x10 DD on the nickel with max. sensitivity and it found the nickel too but Id'ed it as a hot rock.
The Vaquero couldn't find it with with the standard coil and gave a very weak signal with the 12x10 DD coil at max sensitivity.
All detector were ground balanced at the same spot. GB on the M6 was locked after Gbing.
On the 10" deep quarter the Vaquero and M6 were asking what target ?
Well if you know there was the quarter you would say they gave a weak signal. The F75 had to fight with the quarter too, but with the coil 2" over the ground. (JE mode with 95 sensitivity). ID was at 80 to 99 jumping.
if you can run the F75 hot (JE mode with high sensitivity without interference) it will outperform most detectors. Don't forget that the ground read at 85 so you may have even better results in milder ground.
From now on i believe if someone claims that he pulled a button at 12" with the F75. It can be done !
The F75 is hotter on lower conductors (gold rings / nickels) than on silver. The Explorer may still be the silver king when swung slow.
Only thing i need next is the small coil.
I wouldn't wonder if Bill Ladd is pulling some nice relics at the DIV 7 with the F75 this weekend.
Get ready for some overtime at First Texas.