Unlike previous CZ's 4 or so sens, is tops for keeping stable unit and documented by Nasa Tom..Take an air test at 4 sens. and then at 6 sens and you will see several more inches in depth even though you get more false spikes that I can learn to live with especially in real old areas where coins may be exceptionally deep. As always this is in my neck of the woods with my unit and your results may differ. I understand raising the sens. to 6 in many areas would cause a real unstable unit and guess it pays to experiment
rather than believing everything we read and gosh 2-3 inches in more depth can really get the deep ones as even in sens. 4 the CZ3D is a depth demon. In addendum carry a deep digger as you are going to need..Whether it matters or not I do have an older CZ3D made by the old Fisher..
rather than believing everything we read and gosh 2-3 inches in more depth can really get the deep ones as even in sens. 4 the CZ3D is a depth demon. In addendum carry a deep digger as you are going to need..Whether it matters or not I do have an older CZ3D made by the old Fisher..