Went out early today- found an old empty house- and got busy. Dug a trade token right off the bat-pretty toasted. I was searching an area about 12 ft wide along an old driveway to a long gone garage. In this area - in about an hour and a half -I dug the token and three mercury dimes. I found quite a few of modern coins here 20 pennies-3-nickles-4- dimes-and 2- quarters. I found the Indian penny and a small key in the backyard also. Moved to the small front yard and dug the 2 hot wheels--pretty neat ones. I--- almost forgot to mention the lead Soldier I found in the backyard next to the large tree--this is the first one that I've found--- and he looks lonely to me-. On the way home, I stopped at a spot that produced quite a few silver coins, spent about an hour there and got a mercury and a silver wash-quarter--getting Hotter now--time to go-supposed to hit 120 degrees-this Sat!!! Pretty good day today--Thanks for lookin' and listening-and good luck!! Tony AZ