Well, the weather is starting to look better, so I decided to do some more searching at my old swimming hole. Laurie came with me, and got some pictures of me doing my thing.
Ok, we're here, and it's time to suit up:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/3186/allensuitingup1dl.jpg> </center> <p>
61 degrees out, so no jacket needed.
Here's a shot of me doing my thing:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/5696/allenwaterhunting0gm.jpg> </center> <p>
And one of me checking a target. I can't remember what it was, either an oddly-shaped piece of iron, or some lead:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7025/allencheckingtarget0jn.jpg> </center> <p>
I was recovering Wheat's left and right. At one point, I was near the stairway leading into the water, and received a blast of sound through my headphones. I pinpointed the target, and scooped. I dumped the load into my sifter, and turned to fill the hole in. When I turned back, I still had a mound of material in the sifter, so I started shaking it to sift it through. I saw a large metallic disk tumble up and then back down. I was thinking "Silver Dollar" or "Double Eagle". However, when I spread the loose gravel and shells out, this is what I saw:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8039/taginsifter7zz.jpg> </center> <p>
It's marked "A.H.S. 93". I'm pretty sure that it's from a nearby high school, and was probably used as a tag for the bath house at this site.
After a few hours, mother nature called for both Laurie and myself, so we left in search of facilities. Here's the whole nut:
<center> <img src=http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/4215/20060410nut9sp.jpg> </center> <p>
53 cents in clad, 11 Wheat's dated ‘27, ‘28, ‘40, ‘40D, two ‘44’s, ‘45D, ‘47, 50, ‘53D, ‘55D; ’43P War Nickel, 5 keys, two pieces of lead, two halves of a “Pinto” cap gun, one watch w/o band, and the brass tag.
The War Nickel was unexpected. I was working on recovering a mid-tone target on my CZ-20. I pinpointed it, scooped, and then started sifting the material through my sifter. I found a Wheat right off the bat. Well, there are only two ways a Wheat is going to give a mid-tone signal, A) Heavily corroded and crusty, and B) co-located with Nickel. This Wheat was not crusty and corroded, so I immediately started looking for a Nickel. Sure enough, it was also in my sifter. I got to looking at it, and realized I had another War Nickel, a '43P. Ironically, I found another War Nickel, same date and mint, last week. Go figure. Here's the cleaned-up image:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/9629/20060410warnick5ci.jpg> </center> <p>
Note: the picture(s) might not show up due to bandwidth limitations. If the picture(s) are not there, check back at a later time.
Ok, we're here, and it's time to suit up:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/3186/allensuitingup1dl.jpg> </center> <p>
61 degrees out, so no jacket needed.
Here's a shot of me doing my thing:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/5696/allenwaterhunting0gm.jpg> </center> <p>
And one of me checking a target. I can't remember what it was, either an oddly-shaped piece of iron, or some lead:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7025/allencheckingtarget0jn.jpg> </center> <p>
I was recovering Wheat's left and right. At one point, I was near the stairway leading into the water, and received a blast of sound through my headphones. I pinpointed the target, and scooped. I dumped the load into my sifter, and turned to fill the hole in. When I turned back, I still had a mound of material in the sifter, so I started shaking it to sift it through. I saw a large metallic disk tumble up and then back down. I was thinking "Silver Dollar" or "Double Eagle". However, when I spread the loose gravel and shells out, this is what I saw:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8039/taginsifter7zz.jpg> </center> <p>
It's marked "A.H.S. 93". I'm pretty sure that it's from a nearby high school, and was probably used as a tag for the bath house at this site.
After a few hours, mother nature called for both Laurie and myself, so we left in search of facilities. Here's the whole nut:
<center> <img src=http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/4215/20060410nut9sp.jpg> </center> <p>
53 cents in clad, 11 Wheat's dated ‘27, ‘28, ‘40, ‘40D, two ‘44’s, ‘45D, ‘47, 50, ‘53D, ‘55D; ’43P War Nickel, 5 keys, two pieces of lead, two halves of a “Pinto” cap gun, one watch w/o band, and the brass tag.
The War Nickel was unexpected. I was working on recovering a mid-tone target on my CZ-20. I pinpointed it, scooped, and then started sifting the material through my sifter. I found a Wheat right off the bat. Well, there are only two ways a Wheat is going to give a mid-tone signal, A) Heavily corroded and crusty, and B) co-located with Nickel. This Wheat was not crusty and corroded, so I immediately started looking for a Nickel. Sure enough, it was also in my sifter. I got to looking at it, and realized I had another War Nickel, a '43P. Ironically, I found another War Nickel, same date and mint, last week. Go figure. Here's the cleaned-up image:
<center> <img src=http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/9629/20060410warnick5ci.jpg> </center> <p>
Note: the picture(s) might not show up due to bandwidth limitations. If the picture(s) are not there, check back at a later time.