I have a version 2 and it is more sensitive to emi and electrical interference than the newer versions most places I cannot run at more than 50 % sensitivity. IN the gold fields 100% is not a problem as I am away from emi sources. My cell does not effect my unit. Take you cell phone call your voice mail and hold it over your detector lower it slowly to the coil. At some point the detector will pick it up as a signal just like any other piece of metal. I have never had a problem with my cell causing Emi on any of my machines. Even the higher frequency ones.
I hear this allot on forums but have yet seen anyone prove its a problem.
Food for thought try it for your self and see what happens. Maybe the reason you have to turn your sens down is emi interference due to locality. Power lines, transformers and underground lines all drive my GB crazy. Phones nothing? How the other Gbs can run at full sens indoors I don't know. But seems to me they should be even less effected. Please let me know what you find out. Oh and what phone you use. I use a military grade Casio Gz rock (Carrier is verizon) as I have dunked a couple phones by accident fishing I finally got a water prof phone. Dave J has said that this unit has the best front end he has ever designed Hands down. Front end means the signal transmit and receive. That means allot to me coming from him and knowing the units he has had a hand in designing.
It would be great if lots of us try this and with all the different units on this forum some might defiantly be effected and or the cell phone types might be found to be the culprits. Would be nice to be able to Id the phone most desirable for a detectorist.
HH Everyone