The below is what I have at the bottom of page 19,
This is adjustable from 0 to 65, and controls the range of objects to be eliminated from
detection (discriminated out or rejected). Objects with numeric values below the selected
discrimination level will not be detected. NOTE: the numerical range that pertains to each
class of object is printed at the top of the visual display. To eliminate iron, a setting of 15 is
usually about right. A setting of 65 will eliminate aluminum trash and zinc pennies, but nickels
will also be lost, unless you notch-in nickels with the NOTCH feature.
1. Highlight DISC LEVEL using the MENU button.
2. Rotate the SETTINGS knob.
As you rotate the knob, a number between 0 and 65 appears.
3. Press MENU when you reach the desired target discrimination value.
• If you do not press MENU, and let the display time-out, the last displayed value
will be stored as the discrimination value.
• All targets, up to and including the value selected, will be eliminated from
detection, unless notched-in.
5. A slash will appear over the target words being eliminated. Notice that two slashes
can appear over each word. The left slash represents the bottom half of the range; the
right slash represents the top half of the range. When you select a value within any
range, the slash will appear, even though all values within that range might not be
eliminated from detection. To recall the discrimination setting, press the MENU button
until you enter the DISC LEVEL feature.