Well, this is most definately the most sensitive disc mode I have ever used. It's not even close....JE is hot!
especially on mid-conductors I seek like gold, lead bullets, & buttons....
I had been using both the T2 & F75 on all metal. BUt after testing with Mr. Bill it seemed the F75's JE mode was just as deep as all metal, so I figured why listen to everything when I can run JE & put disc on 15? I went to a site that had produced a bunch of 1-piece buttons in the past, but last time I was there I got maybe 2 signals. Sounds like the same old story, but yes, it's considered "hunted out". Well, with the F75 & JE mode the ground seemed to come alive again....
I began running on sensitivity 90 & it was workable there, but almost boardered on "too much" power. I got tired of chasing tiny little droplets of lead @ 4", rivets, etc.....It loves the smallest little things that all my old units either wouldn't have given a signal on or would have given maybe a little blip everyone skipped before.....
Here's my first 2 micro targets.....TINY
[attachment 55791 F75Micro1.jpg]
I think I dug 2-3 holes last time in a couple hours....now I had dug like 5 in the first 10 min.
I actually got sick of looking for microscopic bits of lead & tuned the sensitivity down to 75. Thats more punch then most detectors still. The ground balance # was around 70 & FeO was only 1 line from the bottom. I told someone yesterday before I left that I was hoping to scape up another button or 2....With JE mode I think I found like 5. All in a little over an hour. These are 2 tiny cuff buttons, one Colonial "sunburst" type & the other needs to be cleaned, but looks like it has a design too....
[attachment 55792 F75microCuff.jpg]
Here's the total count. That was alotta holes for a pounded site, & I could have stayed till dark & found alot more I bet. Biggest item was an early brass hook. The larger disc @ the bottom may be a small copper coin that was nailed to something....
[attachment 55793 F75micros.jpg]

I had been using both the T2 & F75 on all metal. BUt after testing with Mr. Bill it seemed the F75's JE mode was just as deep as all metal, so I figured why listen to everything when I can run JE & put disc on 15? I went to a site that had produced a bunch of 1-piece buttons in the past, but last time I was there I got maybe 2 signals. Sounds like the same old story, but yes, it's considered "hunted out". Well, with the F75 & JE mode the ground seemed to come alive again....
I began running on sensitivity 90 & it was workable there, but almost boardered on "too much" power. I got tired of chasing tiny little droplets of lead @ 4", rivets, etc.....It loves the smallest little things that all my old units either wouldn't have given a signal on or would have given maybe a little blip everyone skipped before.....
Here's my first 2 micro targets.....TINY

[attachment 55791 F75Micro1.jpg]
I think I dug 2-3 holes last time in a couple hours....now I had dug like 5 in the first 10 min.
I actually got sick of looking for microscopic bits of lead & tuned the sensitivity down to 75. Thats more punch then most detectors still. The ground balance # was around 70 & FeO was only 1 line from the bottom. I told someone yesterday before I left that I was hoping to scape up another button or 2....With JE mode I think I found like 5. All in a little over an hour. These are 2 tiny cuff buttons, one Colonial "sunburst" type & the other needs to be cleaned, but looks like it has a design too....
[attachment 55792 F75microCuff.jpg]
Here's the total count. That was alotta holes for a pounded site, & I could have stayed till dark & found alot more I bet. Biggest item was an early brass hook. The larger disc @ the bottom may be a small copper coin that was nailed to something....
[attachment 55793 F75micros.jpg]