Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
i have heard Monty talking about mineralized sands and gravles so i decided to do a test so i found the nastyest mineralized stuff i could find . It is off the gravle road in front of my house this gravle comes from a gravle pit the gravle is glacial matterial swept down from north north eastern minnesota from the great iron range and contains mostly dark gray to black rocks dark granite some quarts and lots of magnatite so i scooped up a small pale and started the test whith that i placed a quarter at 4" and fired up the Cibola no sound even maxed out whith no discrimination but when i used the all metal pinpont mode i got a strong clear signal but of course i cant hunt in all metal so i reburied the coin at 3" and at normal sweep speed nothing again even maxed out but in pinpont mode good clear signal so i reburied it at 2.5" and finaly was getting a signal but the signal was weak and i had to slow down my seep speed so i buried it at 6"and not a wisper but the pinpont mode got it good my conclusions are this is indeed some very nasty mineralized ground and to hunt it i would need a detector whith a doble edged sword that is silent discriminate -- and an all metal mode all metal mode cut right thru the mineralization like a hot knife thru butter but of cours i cant hunt in all meta just pinpont whith it that bums me out wish i got the silver umax now , to make my point as to how bad the gravle is i took my magnetand past it over the gravle and it filled up whith stones and fine what looked like metal fileings so im seperating out all the magnetic stuff and going to make a batch of super mineralized ground and then use the stuff i cleaned and do another test but i can say if you have minearalized ground do not geta cibola it will not do good in black sand or iron rich gravle inviorments you need a detector that can also hunt in all metal now the soil in the three tonws i hunt in is sand and lightly minearalize to moderate i can hit a dime at 6" no problem so im ok but it seems that the detector has a sertan amout of discrimanation built in i know that when i turned the disrimanation up a bit the qurter disapeared at 2.5 " all together well mor tests later