Rick's answer is very good. Stick with the explorer series (II, SE pro, Etrac, etc...) And get the Sunray inline probe if you can find one. This setup is what all the top dogs are using nowadays it seems. Especially turf hunters trying to sniff out deep silver in junky parks. And while they're not going to see a coin through multiple nails at a ghost-townsy site like some of the 2 filter machines (and various fishers, etc...), yet for the power-house that they are, do quite well in relicky ghost-townsy sites. I use mine (the II and the SE pro) all the time in relicky old-town demolition and ghost-townsy sites. And keep up with all sorts of specialty machines supposedly for better-in-iron (deus, etc...).
And as Rick pointed out: If you look at the statistics of who's bringing in the silver from park turf, they are almost always swinging one of the explorer lineups. What does that tell you ? But as he also says: The learning curve is hard. Best way is to hook up with someone proficient in your area and trade off flagged signals. Or if no one to train you: go to a place prolific with easy clad: Set it to reject everything below copper pennies. Dig 100 targets (which would all be only clad pennies, dimes, quarters, etc...). Next day repeat the exercise, but this day, lower the mask so that you accept zinc. Repeat. Next day lower the mask to accept corroded zincs and the larger beefier square tabs. Repeat. Next day lower to accept round tabs, repeat. And so forth, and so on, till you're finally in all metal mode, letting your ears hear the orchestra. Make sure you're in ferrous mode, if you intend to hear all, including iron.