Like I said, who cares about a coil cable running from the coil to the box? How many times have you been hunting and let that bother you for ANY reason at all? Just a gimick. Wireless headphones? Sure, that can have it's perks but honestly how big of a problem is that for people? Only matters if you want to lay the machine down and then have to take them off so you can go see what your buddy is going.
That machine from what I read doesn't have stellar depth compared to the big "M" machines and it's ID is unreliable. It's only advantage is being super fast so you can sweep faster, but if you keep your sweep speed slow on a slow machine it's a non-issue. Besides, plenty of fast machines that you can swing fast for about 1/3rd the price of that thing. Sure, it's light....But so are quite a few fast machines on the market that are much cheaper. Just don't see any advantage to it, and for sure not at that price. Much better options out there.
You guys might want to check out two threads raging in the Etrac forum right now about the new machine. Lot's of rumors going on in there, and I rip apart the patent on the new machine with some mindless (but fun!) speculation on it. As it stands right now it sounds like it will show a performance increase in rare severly minarlized ground, but in most common moderate to heavy mineralization that current Minelabs can handle with no problem I don't think it's going to show any depth advantage over them. Just in the worst of the worst such as the red iron rich clay in VA perhaps. Depth anywhere else I bet will be the same as the current Etrac, Explorer, or GT...Which are all pretty much equal in depth using the same sized coil. Only place I think you'll see that machine show an advantage is in the worste of ground conditions that the current three flagship models have trouble with...Which is pretty rare situations. The patent talks about it's ability to cope with severe mineralization so that's what I'm basing my theory on.