I just purchased a minelab sovereign xs for 450.00 with a 8inch tornado and a 10 inch coil. IT also came with a sunray probe and a sunray 2 meter.This is my first minelab product. I have a whites 6000 ive had since 1982.I also have a whites id classic. was the minelab a good price at 450?. I found some coins with it on the first time out and was woundering whitch coil to use to get use to the unit? also the main reason for this post is the 10 inch cable was cut and repaired with connectors.could i repair the cable and use shrink tube to get rid of the conectors.there big . When i set the threshold the instructions tells you to put in all metal mode then switch to discrem if not shearching forr metal.Will i lose my settings in the disc mode if i swich to all metal mode for pinpointing? Im new to this fourm and would appreciate your help. thanks. sorry if i misspelled something wrong.