I had an awesome day today!!!! My lady was off work,, usually when that happens I skip out on detecting and spend time with her.. She called me while I was at work today and asked me of I had my detector in the car, and If I wanted to meet her at the park on the way home. She said we could go check out that spot in the woods I have been eyeballing for a while..
WHAT... Did she really just ask me to do detecting.. I knew I picked a good one
I met her there and we hiked across a couple fields into the woods.. I fired up the detector and she put her leg weights on.
I guess she was trying to get a work out in lol Within 3 minutes I hit my first screaming signal.. I opened up the hole with my digger, and almost fell over when I popped out a Large Cent..
I couldn't believe it.. I yelled for Jessie to stop doing lunges and come over and see what I found. She was super stoked as well. I kept on messing around the area, I started finding a few flat buttons. I couldn't believe how shallow everything was.. One of the buttons was literally right on top of the ground.. I pushed some leaves to the side and right there it laid. Jessie left for a little bit to go meet with her mom.. As soon as she got out of site I hit another screaming signal. I told myself It could be.. I opened up the hole and uncovered another Large Cent
I did a little happy dance hoping no one was watching
When she got back she stayed right with me wanting to be there if I found anything else.. Unfortunately I only found a couple more flat buttons.. But the nice thing was.. Every time I closed up a hole.. Jessie said,, I got it babe. Then she would jump up and down on it making sure it was covered up real good LOL Like I said,, I knew I found a good one
I ended up with the Two large cents a 1818 and a 1822 plus 4 flat buttons.
Thanks for looking everyone and good luck!
Oh and Bell-Two Jessie said she ran into you and Doug detecting on her way back into the park. She said you guys were awesome!! Miss seeing you buddy!

Thanks for looking everyone and good luck!
Oh and Bell-Two Jessie said she ran into you and Doug detecting on her way back into the park. She said you guys were awesome!! Miss seeing you buddy!