Follow sovereign-fan's instructions. They are pretty good.
Disconnecting and reconnecting that ribbon connector is a real pain if it's not treated with care and if you break any of the gold pins then you can either replace them or just bridge those points with a wire around the pcbs.
Over the last few years, I've removed the control box from the handles of 3 other Explorers that had been glued in by what seems was most likely super-glue. Whatever it was, it dissolved with acetone:
1. Placed the Explorer handle in a vice(wrapped the handle in a cloth and didn't squeeze it too hard with the vice jaws) Doing this helps keep it in a firm position.
2. Heated most of the area where the control box and handle join, lightly with a hot air gun(hair dryer might work).
3. After it was warmed, in the first try on the first Explorer that needed this, the glue gave way and I managed to pull it apart with my bare hands, but with the other two I dabbed a small measured amount of acetone at the joins (as indicated by red arrows) with a cotton ear bud.
Saw the acetone seep in and travel in between the layers, that are the control box collar and the handle stem.I Let it soak for 5 minutes, re heated it again and the boxes slipped of rather easily.
Don't over do it with too much acetone and remember, acetone is flammable. You might even get away with using none or very little with just heating or maybe without.
In my first 2 mods cutting the control box and in one case , cutting the handle of Explorer X S's there was no glue to contend with but you either cut the wires for the battery, earphones and coil connector or at least de-solder the coil connector wires (unless you plan to use another alternative connector) or try to bring the Explorer's wires back to original. So cut them at their points of origin from their respective ends or cut them so that you can re solder extensions to where you want them to go on a version of your mod.
Cutting the control box might be a last resort but yes, it's the quickest. Cutting the handle as close to the control box (sacrificing the handle) is also a way that will help maintain the integrity of the internal of the control box but limit the way you mount the control box on a different handle/stem system. Perfect for waterproofing and making it a chest mounted version and you've no need to open the control box at all. It can get complicated and in every instance of the mods I've done, it's always been a case of cross my fingers and hope it works(I've killed 2 Explores so far..sniff..sniff).
Hope it works out for you either way IF you try.
David Di