Anyone hear any scuttlebutt about ML coming out with a new detector. I read a small piece of info on a new type of detector--some new kind of way of metal detecting but it was geared for industrial operations, said it would be awhile before- if ever hitting the hobby section of mding. Don't know how long the ET has been out (maybe a couple of yrs.) but I'd say its time for ML to release something new. If they read these forums, here's my wish list-- 1. a super-fast chip to improve detection/notification response. 2. a better non-glare screen (hopefully color). 3. someway for the operator to select which freq. or frequencies they chose to operate in. 4. all built into the tried and true performance of the explorer series. The wish list sounds like a V3 doesn't it -- wake up ML, your competitors are biting--not nipping at your heels.