I have an Advantage in practically new condition, with the small coil (unused) and the 10.5 inch slimline coil (used about 8 hours). I recently had the opportunity for a week-long hunt, and had never detected before. I used the Advantage for a while, but had trouble setting it (using the manual) to really discriminate, so I dug lots of trash. The organizer of the trip had a spare CoinStrike he loaned me, and by the end of the week I was pretty comfortable with it, so now i'm looking to sell my Advantage and buy a Coinstrike. Of course the CS was preset, I know NOTHING about how to set up a new machine, it will be a steep learning curve for me. It seems to be a machine many people really like, but a few don't. I just don't want to start over with a third machine (although I've been told the F75 is GREAT) or spend a lot of money, and the CS is really reasonable.
I was told by a guy with a Sovereign that my Minelab was fine, I just need to spend more time with it. But 8 hours' use, vs about 60 hours with the CS, I don't want to backtrack.
If you're interested, let me know. Or if anyone else is interested, for that matter.