I was approached on April 02, 2013 by the Park Police with the the notice that I will no longer be allowed to detect in the park. I asked why? She said, we have been bundled in with digging. See it is unlawful to remove rocks, plants and vegetation. Since we dig in the soil, we fall into the area of disturbing the park soil. From the Park Rule Book, I was given at 12 Noon today. "17.1 (A) The use of metal detectors on Park property is prohibited. (B) The excavation, recovery, or removal of any artifact or item of Historical significance from Park Proptery is prohibited. My comment: I guess, If I wreck my antique car over the cliff down into the creek, I will not be able to recover it accordingly to the Park Rules.
I have been going to the park 3 - 4 days a week, 6 - 7 hours ,all year long, winter summer and all day rain storms(Boots and Goretex), detecting for coins and jewelry. My best find to date in Mill Creek was Dec 02, 2012, 1923 S Standing Liberty Quarter in Low Fine condition(MineLab Explorer SE Pro). I am retired, so this is my day job. I have added to my detecting a Minelab Sov GT with Ron's 180 meter. Hi! Ron. I am beginning to like the SOV better than the Explorer. Less complicated, just turn on and once in a while turn this knob and that knob. I have used the SOV for a month now. I just started to dig silver last week (1913 Barber Dime and 1944 Merc), 12 Nickels one silver, 15 Wheats and 10 Bullets, three were unfired. Now that I will be unemployed, I will have to look at other areas. I have much respect for the Mill Creek Police Department. They are a "Great" bunch of men and woman, who assist with pleasure in doing their job. I have talked to many people in the park and they agree.
I do not believe the Public Taxpayer had advanced notice of the new rules. The City of Youngstown, Ohio owns the park. I have only one question to ask the Director, What are the positives in Metal Detecting in the TAXPAYERS PARK? Oh!, By- the- way, Why not issue permits, than you would know who is detecting.
Back a few months, I was approached by a guy and his 2 Foot camera lens. He walks up to me and stares at me. I said, Hello. He replies, What are you doing? I was not hiding my Minelab. I said, Metal Detecting. He replied, Your digging Holes in the Park. I replied, That is was we do Metal Detecting. He said, You probably would be happerier digging at home, in your own back yard. He walked away. I kept my cool. Later, I told a LADY Park Patrol woman, my encounter with his name, PAUL. She said, He gets his kicks by taking pictures of park violators. Example being if anyone is drinking beer or taking a leak behind a tree. Then turns in their picture to the Park Police. AND NOW, I WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO PICK UP THE PARK TRASH, SPEND MONEY IN LOCAL STORES and ENJOY MY TAXPAYER PARK. WHAT A BUMMER. THE END.