I got my draft notice for the Army while in basic training in the Air Force. I chose the Air Force because (1) Army - wouldhave to go to Vietnam (2) Marines - would have to go to Vietnam (3) Navy - I'd need to know how to swim a lot better than I do <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
So AF seemed the best choice - then I volunteered to go to Nam anyway. Then in Nam I was issued a weapon but iut was locked up 99% of the time I was there. Was allowed to retrieve it only when going for marksmanship training and any time the base was attacked. Problem with the latter is I lived on top of a hill and would have to walk to the base of it - a mile down an unlighted road - get it then walk back up the hill again in the dark.
We had one M-16 and about 10 guys like me who preferred to stay put and use the one in our office - even if we had to take turns using it. Thank God there was never that need.
Our base once took in over 100 rockets (the C5A Galaxy - biggest Air Force cargo plane had landed at our base). They tried to hit it. Glad they weren't accurate rockets and more important no one was hurt during the attack. The fire department was hit but those guys were out putting out fires.
We did have other attacks and for one I was posted out with another guy along a river. Very scary indeed. We also survived a typhoon (Asian hurricane) and lived through the monsoon season (rain, rain, rain - I got a feeling what those not on the ark must have been feeling for awhile).
So not only glad you are writing but myself as well SS.
HH & Be Safe (and Healthy) - God bless us - one and all
Remember: Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33)
Pete in MI