Anyone have any information on this button? It is l.125" in dia. Looks same as button #24 on page298 of "Record of "American Uniform and Historical Buttons" Bicentenial Ed. by A.H. Albert. It is stated to be only 21 cm.
Found in Os. county, Ks.near a river.
Back states Rex Products Corp, New Rochelle, NY
All info. appreciated.
Since I've not figured out how to upload ,the photos, I'll describe it but if photo uploading instructions are available, please direct me to them.
It is bronze/brass/ brown in color now--no real evidence of gilt. It is an eagle facing to the eagles right with arrows in the eagles left talon and an olive branch in the right talon. More or less horizontal above the eagles head is a banner w/ an as yet unread inscription. Above the banner is round wreath w/ a ball in it. Eagle has a shield on front---no letters on shield.
Topeka Jim
Found in Os. county, Ks.near a river.
Back states Rex Products Corp, New Rochelle, NY
All info. appreciated.
Since I've not figured out how to upload ,the photos, I'll describe it but if photo uploading instructions are available, please direct me to them.
It is bronze/brass/ brown in color now--no real evidence of gilt. It is an eagle facing to the eagles right with arrows in the eagles left talon and an olive branch in the right talon. More or less horizontal above the eagles head is a banner w/ an as yet unread inscription. Above the banner is round wreath w/ a ball in it. Eagle has a shield on front---no letters on shield.
Topeka Jim