Mike, thanks for your comments on the Pantera. I was surprised that you think Tesoro should bring it back, in light of your appreciation for the Golden UMax. It sounds like its because of the utility of the notch accept, somewhat as Hombre mentions for his intended use next spring. Could you elaborate on that a little more?
Thanks for all the comments on the Pantera , Golden Umax, and Vaquero. They gave me a few other thoughts on these units and wondered what others thought.
The Pantera's Notch features (Accept and Reject) are unique in the Tesoro Line, as well as was its moveability across the whole discrimination scale and its utility for setting the boundary between high and low tones for audio id. Those features are really useful in dealing with trash laden areas, especially when seeking gold jewelry and small silver rings.
Never having any Tesoro experience except the Pantera ( I have other brands), I can only imagine what the audio babble would be like with 4 tones in trash laden areas, as mentioned by both Hombre and Dan-Pa with their earlier Goldens. But Mike has commended the new tone seperation on the Golden UMax and stated his preference for this tone audio setup (apparently even over the Pantera) in his quest for jewelry --presumably even in heavy trash areas. So, it would seem that the latest Golden UMax with a Manual Ground Balance and the moveable Notch Accept/Reject features of the Pantera, and a switch control for choosing between the notch-delineated 2-tones of the Pantera and the latest 4-tone setup, would be a real winner. Could it be done and still competively priced -- or am I asking (dreaming) too much? Such are the musings that occur during our long winters.