Good morning, Steve, and others with others with tough digging ground situations. Of course, frozen ground presents the ultimate recovery challange, of which there is no substitute for patience till spring or summer. I am a rookie, just started last may, and am hooked, although also have, in minnesota have encountered some tough digging. I have a weld and machine shop, and withthese tools am building a minnie jackhammer. The proto is a modified battery powered sawsall. The end is fitted with a 4" digging tool, similar to a current hand held digging tool. the recipicating action of the sawsall provides the jackhammer effect. It is includes a spring loaded foot, similar to a sowing machine, only spring loaded capabile of 4"of travel,providing the user of variable depth control, depending on ground conditions, Yea a picture is worth a thousand words. I have no way of testing till spring, so modifications or your suggestions are encouraged. Yes it will be somewhat clumsey to carry along, {haven't an answer yet}, but should provide recovery in any difficult ground. If it actually works, you can send me your battery powered sawsall {as you have your extra batts and charger} and I will do the mods, and send it back. What do you think? any improvement suggestions? HH