Something that has confused me right along ever since I got my Sovereign .......Today made mre more aware of this than ever since I dug a BUNCH of copper Pennies ......When hunting with my E Trac , I have my Pennies scrimmed out because they have their own Conducktive numbers in the E Trac's numbering system .....Now I hunt with my Soverereign , and my my copper Pennies , and my Quarters are the same number 180 ..... My Copper Pennies will jump around a little bit from 179 to 180 , and in a lot of cases so will my clad Quarters ...... Why are the numbers so close on the Sovereign ......I now understand more why Minelab changed the numbering sequence when they made the E Trac .... It 's not making sense to me especially when we're talking about the same coin when checked on both machines ....?????? .....Being able to scrim out Pennies is a HUGE benefit to me ......Jim