I read about the bits and pieces of the meteor found in Canada..Apparently they are combinations of stone ,iron, nickel,etc.....I run my locator's just high enough to knock out small nails,and other bits of iron..In fact, the vaquero shocked me when it darn near ignored a 1 1/2 inch elbow,with 1 inch pipes at either end......I had been picking up hot rocks when searching in hopes the local rock club members will say JACKPOT, a meteorite..Even at this low setting, I don't seem to be getting any. I also seem to be able to cruise hot spot areas that prevented detection in the past with other detectors,,.Question is, does anyone have meteorite samples, and could you run a discrimination scan to tell us where they are kicking out.? Other possible signatures? Thank you very much for your time, I am off to scan meteorites on eBay..............Cordially NAD