Don't forget that just because something isn't "pleasing" or familiar or whatever, doesn't mean it isn't possibly better, and simply must be "learned". I used to hate the sound of the Excaliber (but simply got it because I was sick & tired of wrapping my Whites up in plastic to head out during beach storms). At first, I thought it was a big mistake, as the sounds drove me crazy. But after "forcing myself" to learn the sounds, I began to like them, get more depth than the Whites discriminators had given me on the beach, etc...
Then when the Explorer came out a few years later, I saw that those guys were getting more depth in the turf than Whites guys around here. So I checked into them, and initially hated them too! Everything sounded the same, like a flock of sick geese. But I couldn't argue with their superior depth over flagged deepie signals, so I stuck to it, forcing myself to learn. Now I wouldn't have it any other way! I use it for all land hunting.
So each person's view of the "most pleasant sounds" will vary simply based on what they were/are used to, perhaps based simply on what they picked up first in the hobby, or what they forced themselves to learn, and NOW like, etc.... It's an un-answerable ford/chevy question. Heck, I have even heard someone tell me they love the Garrett "bell-tone". But that's something I don't care for, in the few times I've fiddled with them. But if a person used it enough, they'd come to learn its language too I suppose.