I sure do like the concept!
Jobs nowadays are often temporary and unprofitable nuisances...So lets do some math!
How many days does this bet cover? 90 lets say...if you hunted clad and managed to find 20 bucks per day, a monumental accomplishment, that only equals 1800...
If you hunted silver coins, and managed to find 300 silver dimes, another fabulous exploit, that still only equals @900...
So its gonna be jewelry, paper money, maybe even advertise lost item retrieval, property corner finder, etc.. cell phones, and GOLD...you CAN do it with a few big GOLD scores, but thats a hell of a risk, you might not find any and really lose the bet bigtime!...fresh cellphone drops are worth something as a reward...that is if the loser isnt a cheapskate, which most of them are..you cant afford to be a doogooder on the returns anymore, you gotta get the G's baby!.
Now you have time to do some research...if you look in CL under "lost and found" that will give you an idea of where gold has been lost in the past, not that you are going to go to that spot and find it mind you, but to give you an idea of human travel patterns...(note: you will find a lot of it is lost in parking lots) You should be aware of all the festivals, fairs, wedding receptions at the local rental halls, family reunions at public parks, in your area, and plot your attack at dawn....you Have to think a whole lot different though, you wont need a shovel, just a quick rig and a screwdriver....you have to think like where a dollar bill will blow in the wind and hit that downwind fenceline first off right after a fair, outside the Mall, anywhere theres a lot of paper money that could get lost...you should also cruise around on google earth for key areas like totlots and places seldom seen from the road...you should get a police scanner, and be first on the scene after a big shootout at a party, drug deal gone bad, (potentially huge wads of bills, big gold chains, handguns!
)...all sorts of stuff gets lost or tossed in the melee, perhaps even the law will pay you to locate brass?...essentially you are no longer "metal detecting" in the traditional sense, but a modified version, being a fierce early morning scrounger of value lost the night before, like a coyote, moving silently and fast, always on the hunt.
I think you can do it if you approach it like a job, which brings us full circle!
still, it would be better to do this than to be the summer jailer for a bunch of dummys that didnt want to learn during the year.
So Go for it!