I met Elson and his buddy Floyd at the Lakeland Hotel 6. After we caught up a bit about his Dune Buggy, the Truck Route that may be heading through his neighborhood and the trials an tribulations of their trip to Fla. (I'll let him give you the details later) we headed to dinner. While we were eating at the Golden Corral all you can hork down buffet, Cavedude came over and joined us for a spell. Seems Cavedude is a friend of Ed's and was in town from Ft Myers. After dinner we met back at the hotel and we posed for a pic and parted company. It's always fun seeing Elson and Floyd was a pretty cool guy as well. Hopefully they next time Elson makes it into town we can get down to the serious business of metal detecting. Time to hit the beaches.
Until next time.
Until next time.