Mary and I will be spending Christmas with my daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law. Probably will be at his parents on Christmas day. Please pray for safety and a good time together. I'm praying in the same manner for you. Pete and Sherry you are not losing faith in God. We all know that mankind can't be trusted. I have been through job and financial difficulties. You may have someone praying patience for you. It's the testing of your faith that worketh patience. Deffinately not a pleasant thing to go through. BUT and I do mean BUT God will meet your needs. He won't meet all your wants but some of them. Although I can't be there for comfort, through the miles Mary and I will be praying and seeking the LORD on your behalf. Don't give up on the military. You fought for them, now fight with them and seek God's guidance on how. May God bless one and all.