Yes, you can find gold in your area or at least in a county or two away from you.
Placer gold can be found:
Sandoval County; area gravel deposits, near Placitas.
San Miguel County; the Willow Creek Mining District, just east of Terrero.
Santa Fe County; all area washes, arroyos and slope gravels {generally dry} along the northern, western and southern slopes of the San Pedro Mountains, including Tuerto Creek and Larzarus Gulch, in the Golden area; area dry washes, arroyos and slope gravels in the Ortiz Mountains, between the San Pedro Mountains and the Cerrillos Hills, near Cerrillos.
But you can find placer gold in almost every county, you just have to look for those areas a little harder. Always remember gold is were you find it!

Did they ever get all that road construction done out there on I 40 came throw there this past July, MAN it was a mess.