I started detecting back in the late sixties with a Heathkit all metal machine that I built. Had a ball, dug a lot of trash along with the good stuff. I quickly learned to read it pretty well and could dig fast being young with strong back and weak mind. (I still have the last part)Time passed and the first discriminators appeared. Magic! They got fair depth, were hell to keep ground balanced and eliminated most trash. Soon the first "motion" detectors appeared. More magic. Automatic ground balance, great depth and an ever growing list of bells and whistles. Now as I think back, it seems that the problem with false signals (especially on iron) first showed up with the "motion" detectors. I don't recall the older non motion machines having this problem. Hoping some of you old timers can help confirm this and maybe the mfrs. can take another look at the older designs if true? Food for thought. Cheers