Uncle Willy
New member
Must have dug 50 pennies and about that many bottlecaps. Dug those puppies till I was blue in the face. The DD is a great coil but it's insatiable lust for bottlecaps gets to be a bit much especially for an old fart with a bad back and crappy health. I did find one quarter, one dime, and one nickel. It's usually the other way around with lots of quarters but not today. Will hit that park again tomorrow as I'll be back over that way again for another doctors appointment. It was pretty full today with sun bathers laying all over the place as it was a gorgeous day. Must have been a 100 bodies there strewn all over the park and they must have lost something. This park is good for rings.
Saw another guy tecting but didn't see him get much of anything and the way he was going at it it was no surprise. It's interesting to watch some folks detect and you wonder how they find anything. This guy would stand in one spot and scan an area of 16-20 inches in front of him over and over again. I had no idea what he was attempting to do and I never saw him dig anything. He would walk and make wide, random, scans then stop and do the repetitive bit for several minutes at a time. First time in ages that I've seen another beeper swinger there.
Saw another guy tecting but didn't see him get much of anything and the way he was going at it it was no surprise. It's interesting to watch some folks detect and you wonder how they find anything. This guy would stand in one spot and scan an area of 16-20 inches in front of him over and over again. I had no idea what he was attempting to do and I never saw him dig anything. He would walk and make wide, random, scans then stop and do the repetitive bit for several minutes at a time. First time in ages that I've seen another beeper swinger there.