Ok, i got my new Tesoro Compadre back from Tesoro today. I had to send it back because there was a bad connection in the coil wire. They re-soldered the connections, checked it all out and ok'ed it and sent it back to me. I mailed it to them last Mon. they received it Thurs. and i got it back today. Great service. Anyway, i took it and my Ace 250 out in the yard to do some testing. I put a dime with a piece of foil under the dime, then over the dime, then right next to the dime. Did the same with a quarter and a new type pull tab. Then set the Ace on jewelry mode and the Compadre discriminate at iron. Now the question. I got readings with both machines on both of them. When i moved the disc. up to $.05 on the Tesoro i still got readings on both of them with it and with the Ace no matter if the foil or tab were under, over, or beside the coin. Is this good, normal, or what? If normal what exactly is masking and how does it affect my detecting? If i am in a trashy area and get a tone with the Tesoro on A/M and then start turning the disc all the way up and still get a tone i can assume it is a coin or silver? Sure wish i had somebody here close to learn all this from. Take care and thanks for any help.