Hello Paul,
I'm not a fan to the Manual setting. There are a couple of hunters in my area that do use Manual and one other person including myself use the Auto. I believe that when the unit is used in a high level of Manual mode, the unit will not always get the depth that it claims. I've noticed that during the swing, In Manual, the unit's threshold will disappear for long periods and return when the unit swing has slowed down or stopped. During this silence, I've noticed from my testing that the depth is not consistent through out the swing. "Meaning" That during the silent swing, the coil may get maximum depth and then with the snap of a finger the coil is getting far less depth.
Try this test? Next time you are out in the field. Use the unit in auto. Once you detect a very faint target that sounds good and shows promising on the meter. You'll notice that the threshold will remain smooth during the back and forth swing over the target. Now, go to Manual and start to swing back and forth over the target. Sure! It may sound a hair stronger, But! Notice how the threshold has disappeared and the response may even be getting weaker in that Manual mode "meaning it's losing depth". Now, switch back to Auto and you'll notice that it still sounds strong and you'll have the threshold. In Auto, you are getting the same depth through out the swing.
My deepest coin that I have recovered is 8 3/4 inches in depth. It's not uncommon for my Explorer in auto to recover coins near or over 8 inches of depth. I use the Periscope Probe. There's no mistake on the depth using the Periscope. You probe down until you hit the coin, then remove the probe shaft and measure the tip of the shaft to where you finger and thumb are holding the shaft. It's amazing hold deep the Explorer can detect a coin.
I also want to add that the other person in my area "Ted" who uses Auto, the two of us always seem to out detect and find more silver coins than the two that use Manual. The other two have been using the Explorer for almost two years each. While Ted has been using the Explorer for one year and I've only been using the Explorer almost three months. Also, You lose depth if you start to notch out trash.
Sorry to have rambled on. Stick with Auto <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
HH, Paul (Ca)