It finally rained yesterday, made the ground a little bit more workable. But It got hot fast today.. I have the day off today and was planning on getting an early start.. But I was out way past my bed time last night After grabbing a quick meal from Subway, I arrived to the park right about noon. Last time I was there I pulled a Merc in a area I hadn't really hunted much.. So I decided to scan the ground slow in that particular spot. The very first signal I received was about 20 feet from the Jeep. I dug down and pulled a 44 merc out.. I knew it was going to be a good. I hunted till around 2:30. The sun was staring to get a little warm.. There was no shade in this area. "and I left the black shirt at home this time Dew" I ended up with 2 mercs, one rosy, two Indians, 4 wheats, and a junk watch.. Can't wait to get back at it... the way work is looking I'm not sure when that's going to be.
Take care everyone and thanks for looking!
Take care everyone and thanks for looking!