I belt mounted it, mounted it on mt straight shaft, chest mounted it, on top of all that everything was 10 and 12"s down. 4 wheets, one mercuray, 2 buffs, one rosy. Not much just wore me out. I will be 65 Dec. I think it is time to put up my dirt digging machines up and get to my water hunting. Guess I am getting to slow to fat and too old. I ain't going to quit though and at least I can hunt all year round. If I lived up north like some of you I would be ready for a straight Jacket with cabin fever. Man, I feel for you guys. At least in the water I can always duck under the water and get wet. So got to dig the Excal and CZ20, and Shadow X5 out and hit the water. : : HH Jerry aka Tinfoil