Hey all,
My Ace 250 took its maiden voyage today for about 45 min.
I went to a local park that is loaded with junk.. I call it "penny park" cuz thats about all it has and are mostly memorials which was confirmed by my Soveriegn Elite last year but the kids can play on the swings and slides so that suited me.
I ran in jewlry mode and then coins mode with the nickels notched out, I was doing the usual testing and dug 2 whats-its and a pull tab.
The one whats-it did fool me but the other two I was 99% sure it was junk.
A round washer type of whatz-it fooled me.
I also took a whopping 4 cents out of it <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
"> <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
I will soon be ready to give it a real test where I know there is some deeper silver but it was still fun to just get out again.
I will have off work the next two fri. sat. sun. and then I have a whole week off <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> so I got some huntin to due!!
So far I like the little Yeller Feller but I did notice one thing and that is when the target is close and the sens. is high pinpointing will give me trouble due to overload and if I raise the coil the PP works better.. of course I can just lower the sens. too.
Oh yeah sens. is easy to tell if its too high cuz the 250 will lie to you real bad! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
PP is spot on though so I feel I will have a good year, gonna be great!!
My Ace 250 took its maiden voyage today for about 45 min.
I went to a local park that is loaded with junk.. I call it "penny park" cuz thats about all it has and are mostly memorials which was confirmed by my Soveriegn Elite last year but the kids can play on the swings and slides so that suited me.
I ran in jewlry mode and then coins mode with the nickels notched out, I was doing the usual testing and dug 2 whats-its and a pull tab.
The one whats-it did fool me but the other two I was 99% sure it was junk.
A round washer type of whatz-it fooled me.
I also took a whopping 4 cents out of it <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
I will soon be ready to give it a real test where I know there is some deeper silver but it was still fun to just get out again.
I will have off work the next two fri. sat. sun. and then I have a whole week off <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> so I got some huntin to due!!
So far I like the little Yeller Feller but I did notice one thing and that is when the target is close and the sens. is high pinpointing will give me trouble due to overload and if I raise the coil the PP works better.. of course I can just lower the sens. too.
Oh yeah sens. is easy to tell if its too high cuz the 250 will lie to you real bad! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
PP is spot on though so I feel I will have a good year, gonna be great!!