Mike Hillis
Well-known member
I enjoy reading treasure magazines. They normally have pretty good articles. Although at times you can tell the mag is desperate from some of the stuff published, like last year when Lost Treasure published an article where a guy was hunting cemeteries and then had to post a detraction about it on a following issue
But....has anyone ever experienced someone submitting an article about a place near you where you would sometimes hunt? I have.
I had a place near me, a site with lots of old homesteads that was a fun place to go, not only for the detecting but also just because it was neat place to spend a day. Then some guy decided to write an article about hunting it for Lost Treasure. Care to guess what happened? Suddenly there were fences and No Trespassing signs all over the place. Totally ruined even as a picnic spot. All I can figure is that folks swarmed it as soon as they read about it. Swarmed it bad enough it was placed off limits. I had sometimes thought about writing an article or two about some neat sites I've found, but after this happened I've decided that I'd rather keep the site available than have my name in a magazine.
I still read the magazines, only now I feel sorry for other detectorists when I see their sites opened to the stampede that will inevitably follow because somebody needed to see their name in print.
Am I alone in thinking this way?

But....has anyone ever experienced someone submitting an article about a place near you where you would sometimes hunt? I have.
I had a place near me, a site with lots of old homesteads that was a fun place to go, not only for the detecting but also just because it was neat place to spend a day. Then some guy decided to write an article about hunting it for Lost Treasure. Care to guess what happened? Suddenly there were fences and No Trespassing signs all over the place. Totally ruined even as a picnic spot. All I can figure is that folks swarmed it as soon as they read about it. Swarmed it bad enough it was placed off limits. I had sometimes thought about writing an article or two about some neat sites I've found, but after this happened I've decided that I'd rather keep the site available than have my name in a magazine.
I still read the magazines, only now I feel sorry for other detectorists when I see their sites opened to the stampede that will inevitably follow because somebody needed to see their name in print.
Am I alone in thinking this way?