Jason in TN
New member
Went from almost 70 yesterday to snow this morning. So I went ahead and cut the wire I had my sunrays wired in with and just added me a plug to the back of it. I am now set to use any headphones. Also got an adaptor where I can use ear buds or any thing with the small headphone jack. All you need is your original plug off your headphones. It is a bugger to get off. Front rubber piece with pins will pull off leaving pins in the plug. Then it takes some digging to get the wire out it is glued in. Need a wire with three wires in it. And a female plug to plug your headphones in Radio Shack has them. Used wire of a old set of Sunray golds I was not using. Called them today to get a new wire to make them like new. The old one had a short at the plug before I cut it. Did some testing works great. Off to pick up a new set of Black Widow phones in the morning and go do a little relic hunting. Going to be partly cloudy and 40 tomorrow brrrrr.