I was hunting an old house yard that was littered with nails. I had hit it a couple of days ago with the F75 and the stock coil. My cool find that day was my Peter Weatherbird watch fob. Today I went back with the small coil and managed to dig about 8 inches deep for a Kemp's Manure Spreader token. It has a unique shape to it and lots of writing on the back I haven't tried to read yet. I was happy when the 1907 Indian came knocking. It wasn't super deep, maybe five inches, but seemed to be on its side. There was also a rusty nut super close to the Indian. Signal hit hard and the VDI stayed at 59-60 from all angles.
I knew it was an Indian before I dug it. I haven't dug a lot of coins yet with the F75 but it is going to happen.
HH, Don
I knew it was an Indian before I dug it. I haven't dug a lot of coins yet with the F75 but it is going to happen.
HH, Don