Being a dyed-in-the-wool MXT'er, I live and die by the gain control. I live in a very highly mineralized area, yet will hunt the MXT in as high a gain setting as I can stabilize and takes practice.
I've had a lot of success in the deep silver program mode, and never felt confortable with the low gain settings that were necessary to stabilize the V in other modes...C/J, etc. Today, I decided to return to a soccer field from which I've pulled quite a lot of jewelry with the MXT.
Trimming the C/J mode, the suggested gain was 3. (I cranked the disc sensitivity down to 7

The soil was dry as a bone and (of course) highly mineralized. I figured "what the heck", since most jewelry finds in this heavily used field are less than 2" anyway.
Imagine my suprise when the first target I hit was a +80. The analyze screen displayed the 2.5kHz signal as a perfectly smooth "high" curve and the other two freqs were much lower in amplitude and a bit "wavy". The pinpoint depth registered a little over six inches, so I decided to find out just how old this bottlecap really was. Nine inches later, I saw a 1940 silver quarter looking at the tip of my Lesche with dread in its eyes.
So...why am I posting this?
Simply because I finally have the confidence necessary to hunt with gain settings as low as 3. That's a hard pill to swallow for an MXT guy who thinks if it's not at least 2X, it's not deep enough.