Well-known member
So on the dry, especially hunting heavily sanded beaches. Deep probably way to go if your not in a hurry. Read it here many times , while wading find the hard , shallow sand. You got good bottom , why lug around all that weight. So a lot of our great water machines tend to be heavy. I hunt a Pulse Induction that has done me good , but I have lost alot of time digging in Deep sand for so so results. I recently sprung for a little dandy of a water machine. Bought it as a backup and a rest for my body. The controls are in the head set. Volume, sensitivity, discrimination. Got tipped on the discrimination setting and away it goes. Hits Gold / Silver , clad coins hard. Iron crackles. 8" hard wired coil ,4.2 KHz Vlf. In my waters as quiet or more as anything I own. Only thing your swinging is coil and shaft. $300 ! Not much to go wrong. Sort of " Back to the future"