New member
OK guys, I have heard little but good things on this forum about the M6 so mine is on the way. I have been inactive for about a year since I sold my CZ-3D. A detector with great potential, but often impossible to use in iron trash areas like the ones I hunt in Eastern Oklahoma and Northwest Arkansas. The CZ just loved any deep rusty nail and would signal high coin tone all the way. Really developed my digging skills, but not recovery rates. Relics and coins are my interests. Along with the new detector, KCO is sending me a $100 White's coupon that I will likely use to help buy another coil, possibly the 6x10 DD, or a smaller one. I will post my impressions in a couple of weeks. I vacillated between the M6 and the MXT, but decided ease of use was important and I wouldn't use the gold mode for prospecting. At any rate, I used an old coin master ??? in the 70's and did great with it, so glad to be returning to a White's.